¿Qué es PayPal?

What is Paypal? Is it useful for my direct sales business?

There is no doubt: offering Paypal in our online store, whether on Facebook, the website, or even private services or if you do not want to carry money with you, is a luxury since we can offer a multitude of payment methods with the security and peace of mind that offers the system.

Discover what Paypal is and how to use it in your direct sales business.

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Avon y Mary Kay, dos de las compañías más conocidas en la venta directa y veremos si realmente se parecen (o no) a Intima.

How do Avon and Mary Kay work? Do they look (or not) like Intima?

Direct catalog sales are one of the most popular ways to have an extra income or a full-time job. If you have decided to start working from home and be your own boss, there is a wide range of companies that offer you to be an independent representative of their products. In this article we cover how Avon and Mary Kay work, two very well-known multi-level direct sales companies whose products you may already be selling or have thought about selling. And if you're reading our pages, you can consider becoming an independent Intima representative too.

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Frases de mujeres exitosas - Oprah Winfrey

11 Phrases from Successful Women: We All Need Encouragement and Inspiration

The road to success and achieving your goals can be hard and, often, discouraging. An entrepreneurial woman lives by multitasking. She can be a mother, a salesperson, an executive, a recruiter, an accountant and a thousand other tasks at the same time. Work is exhausting and we need to recharge our spirits. And what better than some phrases from successful women who managed to achieve their goals to obtain inspiration?

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Calendario de Tareas para Crecer tus Ventas

Task Calendar to Grow your Sales with Intima: Part III

A few months ago we shared with you 20 ideas to grow your Intima catalog sales business and a few months later, 20 more ideas to grow your direct sales business. To help you organize your third month with Intima catalog sales, here is a calendar with 20 ideas to grow your sales

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Como Vender por Internet

How to Set Up a Shop on Facebook Step by Step and Sell Online!

If you want to sell online and don't feel like making your own site, we'll give you an interesting piece of information. Did you know that on Facebook you can have an online store to sell your products?

Create a Facebook store to sell online and thus be able to increase your sales. Through the shop of this social network, your clients will be able to carry out the complete purchasing process and you will be able to charge easily. Everything you need to know in this article!

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Muchas son las personas que se preguntan si habrán elegido la profesión adecuada. Cómo somos es un factor clave, cuando hablamos de cómo ganarnos la vida con nuestro trabajo. Hoy te contamos que forma de ganar dinero es ideal para tu personalidad.

What Way to Earn Money is Ideal for Your Personality?

Some of us are more extroverted, others more intuitive, and others more artistic or eloquent, among many other personality characteristics. Today we tell you what characteristics are typical of each personality and their advantages when thinking about the ideal way to earn money for each of them.

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Frases Inspiradoras

The Best Phrases of Famous, Memorable and Inspiring Entrepreneurs

Nobody said that being an entrepreneur was an easy task. If at any time you doubted your ability or felt like giving up, don't worry! Starting a job or activity is not easy and requires effort and enthusiasm.

That's why we decided to put together these phrases from entrepreneurs to inspire you. So that you start each day with good energy and enthusiasm, here is a collection of phrases from entrepreneurs to motivate your work with our favorites.

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Cualidades de un Emprendedor

The 10 Qualities of a Successful Entrepreneur: What Wikipedia Doesn't Tell You

Some seem to achieve success faster than others. Effort, dedication, creativity? Let's look at the 10 qualities of a successful entrepreneur. Take note!

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Colchas para Camas de Niños

Quilts for Children's Beds: A Warm Winter and Pure Color! Check them out!

If you are thinking of renewing your quilts for children's beds, Intima Hogar offers you different alternatives, both for them and for the queens of the house. Choose one of the funniest designs and surprise the little ones!

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Botas de invierno 2017: LO MAS "IN"

We love the 2017 Winter Boots: the most “in” for this winter season

The major international footwear and fashion brands presented a huge variety of models, which combine different textures and colors. Matte tones with glitter, straps and laces galore. This winter, narrow toes and thigh-high boots abound, studs of all sizes and styles decorate the 2017 winter boots. Let's see what other new features there are for our beloved winter boots!

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