Los 10 Secretos de las Mujeres Mejor Vestidas

The 10 Secrets of the Best Dressed Women: Look Effortlessly Elegant

Do you know those women who always look perfect? Today we tell you the 10 secrets of the best dressed women. Paper and pencil and copy!

Between work, family, and all the things that need to be done on a daily basis, who can take the time to groom themselves to perfection? It seems impossible, right? But is not. Write down these little tricks and secrets of the best dressed women and always look stylish.

We Reveal the 10 Secrets of the Best Dressed Women

Continue reading to learn 10 tricks to look elegant, effortlessly.

1. Plan your wardrobe

You can't plan for everything, but don't let your mornings find you unprepared. In the same way you plan what you will wear to that weekend party or dinner with friends, plan what you will wear during the week. Stress-free mornings and looking like the best dressed women every day.

2. Follow Women with Style

In your free time, look up some trendsetters on the internet. Find some fashionistas whose style you like and use their photos as inspiration to create your looks. A good place to start? Check out our Instagram photos and right here on the site!

Woman fashion

3. It is Preferable to be Overdressed

If you're ever in doubt about what to wear, consider where you're going and who you'll see. It is better to err on the side of dressing smarter - never be the only person in jeans.

4. Become Friends with a Red Lipstick

This is one of the secrets of the best dressed women. A touch of cherry red lipstick or the one that best suits your skin. It will brighten your face instantly and indicates that you took time for yourself, even if you didn't. It's amazing how it works!

5. Always Add Some Accessories

Try to have at least one accessory, whether it's a necklace, a colorful scarf, or a pair of statement earrings. And remember that sometimes less is more. You don't need to hang everything on yourself, a bracelet can also be memorable.

6. Invest in Basic Clothing that Fits Well

Basics are really not so basic since they can be the basis of simple and very fashionable outfits. Have you ever wondered why a woman looks so good in a simple pair of jeans and heels? It takes minutes to think about the outfit, but it takes time and planning to make sure the pieces fit you perfectly. Nothing about a pair of jeans that are too tight that squeeze your tummy so much that the rolls come out or a blouse that is so big that your shape is lost. Choose your basic clothes carefully.

7. Wear Colorful Shoes

When it comes to footwear, their color makes a difference. And they don't necessarily have to be high-heeled shoes, low heels or a pair of flats look fabulous in color and your feet will thank you. The next time you're in jeans and a T-shirt, add a pair of flats in cobalt blue or fuchsia to make your outfit look incredible in seconds.

8. Make Sure You Have a Super Original Garment

From time to time, one needs to impress. Whether it's an incredible pair of over-the-knee boots, a vintage dress or an enviable bag. The best dressed women always have an item of clothing in their arsenal for the days when they need to look really stylish.

9. Carry a Fashion Emergency Kit

The best dressed women are always prepared. Whether it's a run of socks, a stain or blisters caused by sandals, they are ready with band-aids, sewing kit and other essentials to save the day with elegance.

10. Choose the Right Underwear

Stylish women know that the basis for being elegantly dressed is the right underwear. Nothing instantly ruins a look like panty lines showing under your clothes. Be sure to inspect these details in natural light in front of a mirror before leaving the house.

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Tomasa silva arce on

Me gustan

Lucila ballenas gutierrez on

Quiero saber para hacer estas ventas hay que tener dinero para que te den la mercaderia que vas a vendet porque yo quiero vender pero no tengo dinero

Candelaria salgado on

Hermosos deseños de zapatos enespecial los de tacon alto

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