Creo que todos estamos de acuerdo en que ganar dinero extra los fines de semana es una muy buena idea. Disponer del tiempo para tener un segundo trabajo ya es un poco más difícil.

13 Ideas to Earn Extra Money on the Weekends

I think we can all agree that earning extra money on the weekends is a very good idea. Having the time to have a second job is already a little more difficult.

Luckily, there are plenty of things you can do to make extra money on the weekends if you don't have time for a more conventional second job or until you have enough clients to be able to pursue catalog sales full-time.

Great ideas to earn extra money

In life you have to be creative and think about how to use the skills you already have to make the most of them. That's why we bring you:

13 easy ideas to earn extra money on the weekends (or any other day) ;)

1. Babysitter

Couples you know who want to go out on the weekends will appreciate that you are trustworthy in addition to your ability to take care of the children. Let your friends and neighbors know that you're available, but be sure to mention how much you charge per hour so there are no misunderstandings, you don't do it for free, eh?

2. Help your neighbors welcome spring

This is the time when everyone cleans the basements, attics, attics or closets. Offer your services by visiting your neighbors, especially elderly neighbors who may not be able to do the work themselves. And be reasonable with your prices. You will see that you will soon be in great demand!

3. Are you good at teaching?

If you are very good at teaching, offer to teach your friends' children, charging by the hour. Spanish. English and Mathematics are always in good demand.

4. Open your own craft business

If you have a talent for making creative things, sell your crafts at festivals, fairs, markets, or on Etsy. The latter is not as fast or easy but it sure is fun.

5. Start your catalog sales business

There are many companies that offer you the opportunity to make money through direct sales (think Intima) without having to invest in products or sales materials. By just ordering your free catalogs , selling the products, you can earn extra money on the weekends by visiting your friends or inviting them to your house to see your catalogs and the fabulous products you sell. Who doesn't need a pillow or a pair of sneakers or a jacket in their life?

6. Donate Plasma

By donating plasma you can earn some extra dollars as there are organizations that pay money for your plasma donations. Check with your nearest hospital to find out where the plasma donation centers in the area are located. You may consider other biological donation opportunities.

7. Recycling is also an Option

Grab a trash bag and collect cans and glass bottles for recycling. Clean up your recyclables and add more by picking up more cans and recyclables at beaches, parks and other public areas. Take everything to the recycling center and earn extra money on the weekends!

8. Deliver the Newspaper on Sundays

Contact your local newspaper and ask about weekend newspaper delivery positions. Some publications may depend on additional help for delivery of the larger Sunday edition.

9. Sell Vegetables from Your Own Garden

If you like gardening and grow more than you can eat, put up your own stand, take them to the market or let your neighbors know that they can buy fresh fruits, vegetables and why not? Flowers.

10. Opportunities to Earn Extra Money on Weekends with Catering

Many catering companies are busier on the weekends and consider employing part-time workers as servers.

11. Do you dare to go on stage?

If you have musical skills, offer to sing or play an instrument on weekends in bars, hotels, or anywhere that has singers, pianists, and other forms of entertainment.

12. Clown, me?

If you like children, offer yourself as a clown for their birthday parties. Have fun and maximize your income.

13. Delivery Service

If you have a reliable car, visit restaurants in the area that do not have delivery service and offer to do that job on the weekends. They will charge a premium for delivery that they will pay to you and they will earn by selling more. Of course, make sure the restaurant charges enough to offset the gas consumption and wear and tear on your car. And you also get the tips!!!

Which of these ideas to earn extra money on weekends do you plan to choose?

You don't have to be big to start. But you must start to be great. #empowerment

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