Intima Blog
Tag: ideas para ganar dinero

10 Resolutions for 2019
For many, a new year means another opportunity to start a change in their lives. Leave bad habits behind, travel, try new things, undertake and change what needs to be changed. Next, we bring you 10 resolutions for 2019, they will change your life if you make the effort to make them come true!

Back to school season
After the vacation season, the back-to-school season begins and with it the expenses and new business opportunities. Expenses that not only cover school supplies and private schools, but also other aspects such as clothing, footwear and much more.

How to Start a Business with Little Money
Money is not everything when it comes to starting a profitable business. If you are an entrepreneurial woman, having little capital to start your business is not an obstacle. Discover the advantages of doing it this way and some ideas for starting a business with little or no money!

How to Promote Products on Social Networks Long live Facebook!
Today we will talk about how to promote products on social networks, particularly: Facebook!! Make your products known and increase your sales! :)

How to Organize a Successful Party to Sell More Get Ready to Party!
There is nothing better than having fun working and in your own business! And I tell you this because in my years of experience in direct sales I have participated in thousands of house parties with successful sales. Do you want to sell more? Take a look at these 5 tips and start organizing your party!
If you are already selling through a catalog or are considering it, it is very important that you know that we, as...

13 Ideas to Earn Extra Money on the Weekends
I think we can all agree that earning extra money on the weekends is a very good idea. Having the time to have a second job is already a little more difficult.
Luckily there are a lot of things you can do to make extra money on the weekends if you don't have time for a more conventional second job or until you have the necessary amount of clients to...

Interview with an Expert in Building Catalog Sales Teams Achieve Your Goals!
Do you want to have a catalog sales team? Don't miss this true story told by the person who achieved his goals and dreams.
In this article we let an expert in catalog sales give us useful advice on forming sales teams. Yessy Mora began catalog sales many years ago in her native Venezuela and in about eight months she formed a sales team of...

The Advantages of Building Your Own Team for Direct Catalog Sales
What do Avon, Amway and Intima have in common? With all three companies you can benefit from building a sales team. Today we tell you what are the advantages of building your own team for direct catalog sales.
Benefits of Building a Team of Salespeople in Direct Sales
The model that both Avon, Amway and Intima have, among many other direct catalog sales companies...

How to Choose the Perfect Colors to Decorate your Home: The Language of Colors
If you are thinking about re-decorating your home or if your clients ask you for advice on choosing colors to decorate their home, don't miss this article.
Discover the language of colors as well as the feelings they inspire before deciding which one to marry. Today we bring you a guide to learn how to choose colors to help your clients decorate their home.
The color is responsible...

Basic Guide to Direct Selling
What is direct selling? Tell me, has anyone ever approached you to sell you a product? Maybe a friend makes jewelry and asked you to buy it for her? So you already know direct selling!
Direct selling is the action of selling products directly to the customer without the need for a store or commercial establishment. The salesperson addresses the customer and offers him the...
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We are a company with more than 40 years in the white goods market. We sell the best Coverlets, Bedspreads and Duvets on the market and offer the opportunity to start a business selling our products.
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