Intima Blog

Tag: ganar dinero extra

Emprender sin dinero: El poder de las tandas para hacer realidad tu sueño

Starting without money: The power of batches to make your dream come true

If you are looking for a way to start your own business without having to make a large initial investment, you are in the right place. In this post, we are going to explore an effective strategy to start using batches to your advantage. Discover how you can take advantage of this opportunity to sell our bedding and home linen products through a catalog and start your own business without having to make an investment of money.

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Emprender vender productos catálogo opción atractiva

Why is starting to sell products through a catalog an attractive option?

Starting out by selling products through a catalog can be an attractive option for those looking to start their own business. Unlike other forms of business, the initial cost of starting a business is relatively low, and catalog companies offer starter packages that include everything you need to get started, such as catalogs, product samples, and marketing tools. Intima Hogar has the advantage that it does not charge membership, nor does it require purchase minimums to maintain the wholesale price and the best thing is that it sends free catalogs so you can start selling.

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Ideas para mujeres emprendedoras

Business ideas for female entrepreneurs

In the world of women, not everything is hair and makeup. There are times where we must take our ideas and put them into practice to be the business woman we always dream of being.

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Regreso al colegio

Back to school season

After the vacation season, the back-to-school season begins and with it the expenses and new business opportunities. Expenses that not only cover school supplies and private schools, but also other aspects such as clothing, footwear and much more.

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niciar un Negocio con Poco Dinero

How to Start a Business with Little Money

Money is not everything when it comes to starting a profitable business. If you are an entrepreneurial woman, having little capital to start your business is not an obstacle. Discover the advantages of doing it this way and some ideas for starting a business with little or no money!

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Creo que todos estamos de acuerdo en que ganar dinero extra los fines de semana es una muy buena idea. Disponer del tiempo para tener un segundo trabajo ya es un poco más difícil.

13 Ideas to Earn Extra Money on the Weekends

I think we can all agree that earning extra money on the weekends is a very good idea. Having the time to have a second job is already a little more difficult.

Luckily there are a lot of things you can do to make extra money on the weekends if you don't have time for a more conventional second job or until you have the necessary amount of clients to...

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Estrategias de Venta que Funcionan

Sales Strategies that Work, Put Them into Practice and Increase Your Sales!

Today we bring you three sales strategies that work so you can choose the one or ones that best suit your sales style.

We all want our catalog sales business to be successful and a very logical way to achieve this is by increasing sales. Let's look at these 3 sales strategies that really work and put them into practice! :)

Cross Selling

What is the technique...

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¿Quieres tener un equipo de ventas por catálogo? No te pierdas esta historia real contada por la persona que logró sus metas y sus sueños.

Interview with an Expert in Building Catalog Sales Teams Achieve Your Goals!

Do you want to have a catalog sales team? Don't miss this true story told by the person who achieved his goals and dreams.

In this article we let an expert in catalog sales give us useful advice on forming sales teams. Yessy Mora began catalog sales many years ago in her native Venezuela and in about eight months she formed a sales team of...

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¿Qué es la venta directa? Dime, ¿alguna vez alguien se acercó a ti para venderte un producto? ¿Quizás alguna amiga se dedica a hacer bisutería y te pidió que le compres? ¡Entonces ya conoces la venta directa!

Basic Guide to Direct Selling

What is direct selling? Tell me, has anyone ever approached you to sell you a product? Maybe a friend makes jewelry and asked you to buy it for her? So you already know direct selling!

Direct selling is the action of selling products directly to the customer without the need for a store or commercial establishment. The salesperson addresses the customer and offers him the...

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La venta directa te permite montar tu propio negocio dentro de una estructura ya establecida y con éxito comprobado y con el respaldo de una empresa con experiencia en el mercado. A partir de hoy mismo y armada de un catálogo, puedes planificar tus metas

Direct Catalog Sales It's Time to Earn Money!

Direct catalog sales allow you to work full-time or part-time and continue with your job or work from home, raise your children or have more free time, you decide! Imagine being able to travel or do your favorite activities and have an extra income with comfort. Now you will have more time and money to enjoy it.

Direct selling allows you to start your own business...

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