Intima Blog
Tag: venta directa

Business ideas for female entrepreneurs
In the world of women, not everything is hair and makeup. There are times where we must take our ideas and put them into practice to be the business woman we always dream of being.

Tips to follow up with your clients
In today's article we will share some tips to follow up with your clients. And gaining the loyalty of your buyers will benefit you more in the long term than simply serving them once.

The Biggest Obstacle to Achieving Success: The Story You Make Yourself
Let's talk a little about stories, we all have one, the important thing is to focus on what we want to tell about ourselves, about our business, about the path to success. This story that you create for yourself can propel you to success or take you back to the past.
One of the biggest obstacles to achieving success in your business is conditioning yourself with the story that you yourself create. What to do to overcome it?

20 Ideas to Grow your Intima Catalog Sales Business
We give you 20 ideas to grow your Intima catalog sales business. This way you use one every day of the week and you will make your business a success.

Sales Closing Techniques: A Basic Guide to Earn More!
Do you want to increase your sales? This basic guide to sales closing techniques will help you achieve this. Useful tips to close sales.

Sell Official FCBarcelona Bedspreads and Coverlets and Win Big!
There is no doubt that Fútbol Club Barcelona is one of the best football clubs in the world and that its fans are always looking for products that demonstrate the passion they have for their team. Did you know? You can sell them directly from the Intima Hogar catalog! Order your catalog and sell these fabulous official FCBarcelona quilts and covers!
We see it often: FCBarcelona does not...

How to Organize a Successful Party to Sell More Get Ready to Party!
There is nothing better than having fun working and in your own business! And I tell you this because in my years of experience in direct sales I have participated in thousands of house parties with successful sales. Do you want to sell more? Take a look at these 5 tips and start organizing your party!
If you are already selling through a catalog or are considering it, it is very important that you know that we, as...

The Advantages of Building Your Own Team for Direct Catalog Sales
What do Avon, Amway and Intima have in common? With all three companies you can benefit from building a sales team. Today we tell you what are the advantages of building your own team for direct catalog sales.
Benefits of Building a Team of Salespeople in Direct Sales
The model that both Avon, Amway and Intima have, among many other direct catalog sales companies...

Basic Guide to Direct Selling
What is direct selling? Tell me, has anyone ever approached you to sell you a product? Maybe a friend makes jewelry and asked you to buy it for her? So you already know direct selling!
Direct selling is the action of selling products directly to the customer without the need for a store or commercial establishment. The salesperson addresses the customer and offers him the...
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About Intima Hogar
We are a company with more than 40 years in the white goods market. We sell the best Coverlets, Bedspreads and Duvets on the market and offer the opportunity to start a business selling our products.
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