Intima Blog

Tag: consejos para emprendedores

¡Libérate del Caos en tu Oficina!

How to Be More Productive when Working from Home: Free yourself from the Chaos in your Office!

Working from home is the dream of many women, however, it may not be as easy and fun as it seems. Who can concentrate when nothing is found? We tell you how to be more productive by freeing yourself from chaos.

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niciar un Negocio con Poco Dinero

How to Start a Business with Little Money

Money is not everything when it comes to starting a profitable business. If you are an entrepreneurial woman, having little capital to start your business is not an obstacle. Discover the advantages of doing it this way and some ideas for starting a business with little or no money!

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Promocionar Productos en las Redes Sociales

How to Promote Products on Social Networks Long live Facebook!

Today we will talk about how to promote products on social networks, particularly: Facebook!! Make your products known and increase your sales! :)

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Qué se puede Publicar en un Blog

What can be Posted in a Blog: 10 Simple Ideas to Inspire You

Always think of your blog like you thought of your diary, only instead of writing “Dear Diary,” it is now “Dear Readers.” Remember that your blog is your personal diary where you write about things that interest you and that now others can also read.

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Hacer crecer tu negocio de venta por catálogo requiere de esfuerzo y contactos, pero pese a esto, lo que más importa es tu responsabilidad con la actividad. ¿Estás realmente comprometida con el crecimiento de tu negocio?

Are You Really Committed to Your Catalog Sales Business? To read!

Growing your catalog sales business requires effort and contacts, but what matters most is your responsibility with the activity. Continue reading!

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Los Mayores obstáculos para conseguir el éxito

The Biggest Obstacle to Achieving Success: The Story You Make Yourself

Let's talk a little about stories, we all have one, the important thing is to focus on what we want to tell about ourselves, about our business, about the path to success. This story that you create for yourself can propel you to success or take you back to the past.

One of the biggest obstacles to achieving success in your business is conditioning yourself with the story that you yourself create. What to do to overcome it?

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Para tener éxito en tu negocio de venta directa por catálogo de Intima necesitas crecer y ampliar tu red de conocidos. ¡Hoy te traemos 10 sencillas ideas para que hagas crecer tu network y tu negocio!

10 Ways to Grow and Expand your Network of Acquaintances and Your Business

Do you feel that the friends or acquaintances to whom you offer your products are always the same? Well, in this article you will find 10 ideas to increase your contacts, meet new people and thus have more possibilities of offering the products in your Intima catalog.

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En este artículo te damos 20 ideas para crecer tu negocio de venta por catálogo de Intima. Así usas una cada día de la semana y lograrás hacer de tu negocio todo un éxito.

20 Ideas to Grow your Intima Catalog Sales Business

We give you 20 ideas to grow your Intima catalog sales business. This way you use one every day of the week and you will make your business a success.

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Un cierre de ventas es, como la frase lo indica, el final de la venta. Ese momento clave cuando la clienta te dice, “Si, ¡lo compro!” Pero como sabemos llegar a ese momento no es tan sencillo como mostrar la mercadería. Por eso hoy te traemos consejos úti

Sales Closing Techniques: A Basic Guide to Earn More!

Do you want to increase your sales? This basic guide to sales closing techniques will help you achieve this. Useful tips to close sales.

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¿Quieres vender más? Echale un vistazo a estos 5 consejos y comienza a organizar tu fiesta!

How to Organize a Successful Party to Sell More Get Ready to Party!

There is nothing better than having fun working and in your own business! And I tell you this because in my years of experience in direct sales I have participated in thousands of house parties with successful sales. Do you want to sell more? Take a look at these 5 tips and start organizing your party!

If you are already selling through a catalog or are considering it, it is very important that you know that we, as...

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